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The Fondation Santé Côte-de-Gaspé gives $5,000 to the Volunteer Committee of Mgr Ross


(Gaspé, May 27th, 2021). The Fondation Santé Côte-de-Gaspé is proud to support Monseigneur Ross’s Volunteer Committee by donating $5,000 for the year 2021. This amount will help support the committee with their organization of different activities, which requires an accompaniment service, provided to the residents of Mgr Ross.

We believe it is important for the residents of our health establishments to benefit from a better quality of life. The volunteer committee of Mgr Ross greatly supports this mission. We would like to thank the volunteers for their time and their actions.

On the Picture: May Rochefort, President - Mgr Ross residents committee, Noëlla Parker, President – Mgr Ross voluunteers committee & Julie Bernard, the Foundation Director

Picture : Sharon Gopaul


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